
Chong Lu from Beijing International Studies University completed a Master of Arts in Philosophy at 窪蹋勛圖厙 through a unique partnership between the two universities.
Chong Lu from Beijing International Studies University completed a Master of Arts in Philosophy at 窪蹋勛圖厙 through a unique partnership between the two universities.
5 August 2011

Graduation usually heralds the return home to family and loved ones for international students who have been studying in Australia.

However, international students Chong Lu and Youyan Zou, both from Beijing International Studies University (BISU), are staying on in Australia after celebrating their graduation from 窪蹋勛圖厙 (窪蹋勛圖厙) in July.

Both enjoyed studying at 窪蹋勛圖厙 so much that they now call the University their second home and are planning to pursue further higher level studies.

Ms Lu and Ms Zou are among the first students to graduate from both 窪蹋勛圖厙 and BISU through a unique partnership between the two universities.

Graduating from the Faculty of Arts, both Ms Lu (Master of Arts in Philosophy) and Ms Zou (Master of Arts in Chinese Translating and Interpreting) scored exceptional academic performances and made the Deans Commendation list.

Both students said 窪蹋勛圖厙s reputation in teaching and research was the main attraction for them signing up to study at 窪蹋勛圖厙.

The lecturers were always willing to help and were very accommodating of students needs. With them, I enjoyed intellectually inspiring discussions and received advice and help on course material and essay writings, Ms Lu said.

Ms Zou said she was impressed by the teaching and support facilities 窪蹋勛圖厙 has to offer.

There is excellent access to research resources including academic journals and library collections. 窪蹋勛圖厙s academic atmosphere enabled me to focus on my studies, Ms Zou said.

And while both recorded exceptional results, Ms Lu had been worried about completing her thesis after becoming ill during her last semester.

Ms Lu said she was very grateful to her supervisor, Dr Deborah Brown.

I experienced some really hard times during the last semester and my supervisor was so considerate, Ms Lu said.

It was Dr Browns patience, understanding, support and encouragement that helped me make it through all the difficulties. I was so touched and grateful for all she did for me.

Coordinator of 窪蹋勛圖厙s Master of Arts in Chinese Translation and Interpreting program, Dr Leong Ko, initiated the connection between the Faculty of Arts and BISU when he and the Executive Dean of the Faculty of Arts visited BISU in 2006.

The student program commenced in 2009 and students receive degrees from both 窪蹋勛圖厙 and BISU when they complete their studies.

Olga Chaourova, International Development Manager of the Faculty of Arts, said that the program had developed so strongly due to the high level of commitment to the relationship between the Faculty of Arts and the School of English Language, Literature and Culture at BISU.

Media: Ariel Ho, +61 7 3346 0561.