
Aubrey Clark
Aubrey Clark
21 May 2010

Aubrey Clark, a graduate of Economics , will begin a PhD in economics at later this year.

Mr Clark received offers from Harvard, MIT, Princeton, Yale, and Chicago.

Mr Clark graduated with a Bachelor of Economics with first-class Honours in 2009 and received a university medal in the same year.

He will join fellow ϳԹ Economics Honours graduate Tom Gole, who began his PhD at Harvard last year.

Head of School said although the School’s recent research success was an important step towards consolidating its position as one of the world's economics department, a crucial measure of the School’s academic achievement was the success of its students.

“We are committed to providing high-quality teaching and an intellectually-challenging environment for our students,” Professor Menezes said.

“Being able to place students with full scholarships at Harvard University two years in a row demonstrates that such commitment is paying off.”

Since its foundation in 1910, the has become one of Australia’s leading economics departments.

The School is consistently ranked in the top five percent of economics research institutions internationally, and is among the top handful in Australia.

The School hosts three ARC Professorial Fellows and one ARC Federation Fellow, far more than any other Australian school or department of economics.

Research undertaken in the School is published in top international journals, including Econometrica, Journal of Economic Theory, and Journal of Econometrics.
Media: Rachel Tolley (07 3365 4959, r.tolley@uq.edu.au)